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Office 365 login error for Mac users

Mac Office 365 issue when trying to sign in to apps

There’s been a sneaky little bug running around impacting some Mac Microsoft Office 365 users that has prevented folks from running all Office apps (except Outlook). I’ve even experienced this, forcing me to use the web versions of the app until a fix has been reported.

If this happens to you, you’ll need to:

  1. Close all your Office apps.

  2. Go to your Application > Utilities folder and open the Terminal application

  3. paste the following into the screen and click enter:
    defaults write com.microsoft.Word ResetOneAuthCreds -bool YES
    NOTE: You may not see any response after doing so, only another blank line

  4. Restart Microsoft Word and sign in. You should now be able to log in and all other apps in the Office 365 suite should work too.

Of course, if problems do persist, you can reach out to the ABHMS / All-Covered Support line for more assistance.

Open the Terminal app & paste the command

Credit to this help article from Microsoft for a solution.