ABHMS Champions

Champions are your work colleagues who are willing to lend a helping hand. Reach out to them for questions, tips, or conversations about the tools you use every day.

Interested in being a source of help for your colleagues? Send an email to help@abhms.org and we’ll add you to the list.

(Cutter, Folder, Laminator, Printers)

Leslie Williams

Microsoft Teams

Raquel Perez

Adobe Acrobat Digital Signatures

Finance Department
Human Resources


Champions Needed!

Otter AI
(Only select individuals)

Felicia Mitchell


Meg Biddle
Mary-Anne Walker

Digital Signage

Felicia Mitchell
NOTE: Requests for adding content to the digital signage in hallways or conference rooms should be sent and processed by way of Felicia.

Microsoft Office
(Word, Powerpoint, Excel)

Raquel Perez


Brittany Duncan
Abigail Medina-Betancourt
Raquel Perez