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MinistrElife Update: version 2.13

Highlights from version 2.13

  • Personalized headers and avatars in the MinistrElife mobile app: Do you have an image you want to use for yourself and your banner? Now you can add them using the MinistrElife app.

  • Personalized Work / Style Ratings: Work / Style ratings have been now redesigned in a completely new UI (different from the former MinistrElife application). Easy-to-use and easy-to-update sliders allow you to visually see the ratings in a format that makes sense.

  • Extend (and connect!): Make new connections with people you may know. Send messages to create and extend your professional network with other MinistrElife users.

  • 24-hour monitoring of MinistrElife services: We've connected all the systems and servers to a utility that lets you know the current status of the application. So if you can't access the site, visit https://status.ministrelife.org to see if the problem is on your end or our end in real time.

See the full release list.

How much work has been done?

Cumulative Flow

Quick Stats for this release:

  • 64 issues completed

  • 453 automated test completed

Changes Delivered represents the total number of merged changes over a period grouped by the types of changes made during that period.

Feature: New work that extends existing code and adds new code

Churn: Work that modifies code that was previously added or modified within 21 days

Refactor: Work that modifies code that has been stable for at least 21 days

Changes per Engineer (CPE) represents the changes delivered in a time period divided by how many engineers actively contributed during that period. CPE is a signal of team efficiency. Teams with higher CPE are likely to have a streamlined review process and typically make more frequent, less risky changes.

Changes Delivered represents the total number of merged changes over a period grouped by the types of changes made during that period.