Copy Center Equipment Update

Update on the equipment in the LAMB Copy Center.

Old equipment information:

  • Folding machine

    • Waiting for Canon to schedule pick-up

 New equipment information:

  • Production Printer, Fold/Inserter Unit, HP Plotter, Laminator and Cutter Unit 

  • Training Date – All equipment in the Copy Center 

    • Tuesday, January 23, 2024, 10 a.m. (Copy Center)

      • In preparation for the training, you should have a few things prepared. I suggest that you have readily available a few files for repeatable kinds of jobs that you usually do, any work that you would like to see done on the equipment that may be sent outside currently, job types such as small booklets, postcards, folded pieces, banners, pamphlets, and things that you would like us to prepare templates for error-free finishing.

 Other equipment information:

  • Coming soon 

    • Perfect Binder Unit


Copy Center Training


Zoom Rooms Training Details